10-Step Model Lesson
Step 1: Phonogram Cards
Teachers introduce and review concepts with a Key Word, Phonogram Cards, and Word Cards.
Step 2: Phonological Awareness
Multisensory activities help students segment words into sounds.
Step 3: Word Building
Students build words with letter tiles and by writing them.
Step 4: Decoding and Sentence Reading
Students mark up words, then read words and sentences.
Step 5: Prereading (Oral Activity)
A word is orally reviewed for phoneme-grapheme analysis.
Step 6: Reading/Reading Comprehension
Students identify new concept words, then read and comprehend fiction and nonfiction texts.
Step 7: Sound Dictation
Students hear 10 sounds, then say and write all known letter combinations for them.
Step 8: Prespelling (Oral Activity)
The Spelling dictation's first word is analyzed for phoneme-grapheme relationships.
Step 9: Spelling
Students spell dictated words, naming letters and sounding them out.
Step 10: Sentence Dictation
With support, students write sentences targeting new concepts.
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