Recipe for Reading Overview Teach Beginning and Striving Readers Essential Literacy Skills
Recipe for Reading® provides direct, systematic, multisensory instruction and a wealth of resources that make it suitable for teaching reading and handwriting as a core curriculum or intervention program.
- Reading Intervention
- Grades K–6
- Tiers 2 & 3

Empower Beginning and Striving Readers with a Phonics Program Structured for their Success
Recipe for Reading® is a comprehensive, multisensory, phonics-based reading program that presents a skill sequence and lesson structure designed for beginning, at-risk, or striving readers. An important component of the Recipe for Reading Program, The Alphabet Series can also be used to supplement any phonics reading curriculum.
Recipe for Reading Phonics Program
Recipe for Reading® can be used as a core phonics program or as focused, supplemental phonics instruction for striving readers. It is ideal for differentiated instruction in a variety of settings — inclusion, one-on-one, or whole class. It. The carefully structured scope and sequence allows you to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all students.

The Alphabet Series
The Alphabet Series includes 39 illustrated decodable readers with engaging controlled-vocabulary texts that enable students to apply their phonics skills and develop fluency and comprehension.